
Boyz Dance 2

Ursula Frayne Catholic College VICTORIA PARK


Ursula Frayne - Logo PORTRAIT CMYK

This year, Ursula Frayne Catholic College introduced Boyz Dance 2, a dance group that not only offers male students a platform for creative self-expression but also emphasises the power of teamwork and nurtures confidence. This initiative has been thoughtfully tailored to cater to a diverse range of abilities, embodying inclusivity at its core. The group provides a supportive and enriching environment that fosters personal growth, emotional wellbeing, and a sense of community. Boyz Dance 2 has embraced numerous occasions to exhibit their talents, most recently, captivating our Frayne community with their performance at our Dance Showcase 'Genesis'.

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Please note the People’s Choice award is across all categories and each individual is only entitled to one vote.